Each student of Rudamina school of art is being taught musical notation, cultural knowledge and solfeggio. Students also take music history classes, take parts in vocal ensemble, junior choirs. Teachers arrange many cognitive music excursions, open lessons and music events. Since 2006 every second year is Children Choir Music Festival „For You, Mommy“ is organised, which became a national traditional festival.
Junior choir (headed by E. Ivanauskienė) performs to parents, also in various school events. Choir participates in every Song Festival. In 2005 and 2007 choir performed in National Youth Festival „Singing Rooster“.
Vocal ensemble „Geniukai“(headed by G. Kumpienė) was arranged while preparing to television contest „Dainų dainelė“. Three times in a row ensemble was performing in final concerts on the National television channel of Lithuania. Also they participate in school events and various festivals.
Youth Choir was arranged in 2008 (headed by G. Kumpienė). Choir prepares various entertaining programmes, performs in many concerts and festivals. In 2010 and 2011 choir was invited to West Lithuania Song Festival. In 2011 choir won Ist degree diploma in Lithuanian Festival-Contest of Children and Students „We are Children of Lithuania“. In 2012, choir participated in National Song Festival of Students „Our name is Lithuania“, where they got first category and also successfully performed in Sacral Music Festival dedicated to Saint Cecilia – the patroness of musicians. In 2011 and 2013 Choir participated in International Sacral Music festival „Kristus karaliauja Alleliuja“. In 2013 Choir won IIIrd place in International Sacral Music Festival „Auksinė Šalčios juosta“, got bronze band of Šalčia and other valuable prizes.
Methodic group of music theory and choir department:
Genovaitė Kumpienė,
Elžbieta Ivanauskienė,
Ivona Chodorovič.