Wind instrument department

Wind instrument department in Rudamina school of art is one of the latest establishments – it was founded in 2007. Amount of children, dreaming to play wind instruments, grew over time, therefore new classes of flute, clarinet and and saxophone appeared. Now there are 30 students – classes were chosen by both boys and girls.

Rudamina School of Art has an annual traditional Wind Instrument Festival „Sounding Spring“ where Rudamina School of Art students and guests from other Vilnius District Schools of Art perform.

Students participate in National Competition of J. Pakalnis, where they win diplomas or become laureates.

School also has a wind instrument ensemble (headed by S. Balsys), which participates in school events, represents school in other cultural events, also it is often invited as guest to many comprehensive schools of Vilnius district.

Young musicians take part in various cultural events organised by Rudamina School of Art and Rudamina Town Municipality. Students have become laureates or won diplomas in many festivals and contests:

Respublikinis J. Pakalnio jaunųjų atlikėjų pučiamaisiais instrumentais konkursas,

Respublikinis kamerinių ansamblių konkursas „Klasika ir džiazas“,

Tarptautinis jaunųjų atlikėjų kamerinės muzikos festivalis-konkursas „Sąskambiai“,

Tarptautinis S. Moniuškos vaikų ir jaunimo festivalis,

Br. Jonušo vardo pučiamųjų instrumentų solistų, ansamblių festivalis,

Jaunųjų atlikėjų variniais pučiamaisiais instrumentais konkursas „Jūros Fanfaros“.

Methodic group of wind instruments department:

Saulius Balsys,

Agnietė Ivanauskaitė,

Kęstutis Kuncė.