Accordion department was established together with the foundation of Rudamina School of Art. During lessons teachers use their creativity and innovative perspective.
They are also participating in various contests. Students have participated and won diplomas or prizes in National and International Contest of Accordionists in Vilnius, International S. Moniuška Festival-Contest of Instrumental and Vocal Music of Poland in Šalčininkai, International Contest of Young Accordionists „Ascoltate 2012“ in Kaunas. Many concerts in Poland (Inowroclaw, Torun, Warsaw) were performed.
Accordionists play music duets together with flutists, violinists, saxophonists and clarinetists. Students have successfully participated in National Contest-Festival „Šeimų ringas“, Parade of Accordion Ensembles, Ist National Festival of Family Music „Joy of Family Music“.
Each year Rudamina School of Art organises Contest-Festival „Cascades of Autumn“, where every second year accordionists from other Vilnius district Schools of Art are also participating.
Since 2005, school has the accordion orchestra, led by B. Voicinovič, where former students are able to play together with younger students. The orchestra constantly plays in various school events, also performs in Germany and Poland. Orchestra also plays together with wind or violin ensembles, choirs of Rudamina School of Art. Since 2010, there is close collaboration with accordion orchestra of S. Moniuška School of Art in Šalčininkai. United orchestra of both schools often performs in Lithuanian cities or abroad.
Methodical group of accordion department:
Bogdan Voicinovič,
Jurij Krupičevič,
Irena Lošakevič,
Sigita Rozova.